donderdag 30 juni 2011

Ready to start the Homespun Houses Project.

Hello everybody, 

  a few last days of clearing up my UFO (Un Finished Objects)-basket, which means no more UFOs waiting in there, clears the way to start my long dreamt-of  Dutch Homespun Houses Project.
 These are the two UFOs I finished yesterday:

 The little playing ball is meant to be sent to a very dear, nearly 86 years old, aunt of mine, who's suffering from severe pains in her hands with also loss of strength and suppleness. I hope this ball can provide some relief by daily finger-excercises. It is easy to handle and very lightweight and it is all I can do for her... 
 Wish I lived closer to them; would make it easier for me to visit and assist her and my uncle more often.

 The cute little patchworked, stuffed house is..... a(nother :>)) pincushion!
 This is the example of the Homespun Houses pattern I want mine to look like:

 The first fabric of the twenty five is chosen and later today I'll start cutting and sewing. When ready I'll post a picture to keep you updated.

 Have a  nice and sunny last day of June!
 Cheerio :>)

zondag 26 juni 2011



 After this wonderful day I'd like to share a rhyme with you. 
 About forty years ago, when I was in England spending my summer holidays with family living overthere, I found this, printed on linen and I fell in love with the rhyme and the cloth..... had to buy it.
 Since then I treasure it:
Every day's a precious gift
 of time for us to use.
Hours waiting to be filled 
 in any way we choose.
 Each morning brings a quiet hope
 that rises with the sun.
 Each evening brings the sweet content
 that comes with work well done.

 Good night, sleep well.


Hello everyone!

Hope you are all as fine as I am today, on this Sun(ny)day.
It has been quiet for a while, here on this blog, but I was very busy with I don't really know what exactly. Sometimes days fly jetspeed through your fingers and although you are as busy as can be, nothing shows the hard work you did. 
 I can tell you my house is neat and tidy now, so I made a start finishing the yo-yo-job, sewing pearl or other buttons and beads on the various yo-yo shapes.
After that, pffffffffft, I'll make a jetspeed start cutting and sewing the Dutch fabrics for my Homespun Houses quilt. 
So, this post has become an example of  talking a lot - telling a little, I'm afraid. 
Nevertheless, you can be sure I am still alive, happy and healthy; enjoyed the lovely Sun-day weather of today. I went biking for about two hours through the countryside, catching sunshine and a nice tan and that is so lovely after all that raaaaaaaaaaaaa.....iiiiiiiiiiiiiin.

Enjoy this Sunday evening.
Till soon!

dinsdag 21 juni 2011

Cleaning and organizing: creating time and space for new projects.

Hello everybody,

since I came back from my 'fabric trip' to Amsterdam I have been busy organizing the patchwork and fabric mess  that was heaping in different rooms of my house.
Before I may start a new project I have to clean up and organize the whole lot in Zondagssteek - House, (I force myself) because I can impossibly work in a messy place. Cleaning and organizing also creates time, hours I can spend the way I like, want or have to.
The templates for the Homespun Houses quilt, the one I want to make from the 25 different Dutch folklore fabrics, are ready. Next step is to cut them out of the fabric. O, I can hardly wait.
But at the moment I am a bit busy making yo-yos in various shapes. Yo-yos...... :>/... ???? Yes.

Let me explain what I'm talking about: Mr. or Mrs. Clover, producer of needlecraft necessaries, developed the yo-yo maker. I quote: " A new quick and easy way to make nicely shaped yo-yos!".  Here are some pictures. I hope they can reveal the yo-yo secret:

A few examples are shown. I used thin cotton fabric, polyester and organza. And sewing needle and sewing or quilting thread, ofcourse!
The Clover yo-yo makers are available in quilt(web)shops. I bought mine at De Quiltkoffer.
Start yo-yo'ing, join the yo-yo club and have fun! Twenty- five more yo-yos to go before I allow myself to start with the Homespun Houses quilt.

En-yo-yo-ur evening!

zondag 19 juni 2011

Dutch fabrics.

Hello everyone,

Today I came back from a nice-as-always stay with my sister Jacqueline in Wormerveer. She is a creative genius and, like me, she loves quilting. Together we went to Amsterdam, to  De Boerenbonthal, to buy real Dutch traditional fabrics.
It is my wish since a couple of years to make a quilt in the 'Homespun Houses' pattern  from as many different as possible traditional Dutch fabrics.

Well, I think these 25 will do...

And now I have to get back to normal life and think about preparing dinner...

Have a nice evening, till soon!

dinsdag 14 juni 2011

Creations of all kinds.

Hello everybody!

Today I'd like to show a little variety of my last year's creations. They were Xmas-, or birth(day) presents, or just meant as gifts to others, but also to myself :>) :

Besides these socks for my friend Noor in The Hague I knitted cute pink babysocks for my granddaughter  Loni Marije, who was born on April 2nd. 2010. Got no picture of them, but cute they were!

 To pretty up my front door:

Pincushions.......... I'm an absolute pincushion addict:

 Time for tea!

Baby sleeping bag I sewed for my dear friend Yvonne's grandson Laurens:

Did not forget to take a picture of this. Cross stitched for my granddaughter:

I sewed for little darling Loni Marije, this Spring:

 Made for play-pen and bed of my granddaughter Nine, born May 21st. 2011:

And 105 bridal sweets for Niels & DesirĂ©e, who got married the 2nd. of May  this year:

     Have a nice day!

maandag 13 juni 2011

My walk-in quilt closet.

Good morning!

The smallest bedroom / biggest cupboard in my house has gradually become Mrs. Zondagssteek's walk-in quilt closet; I think it's lovely to be there once and again, to sit down and enjoy my wealthy stock! The activity centre is downstairs, at the dining table in my livingroom.
This is my little walhalla:

Enjoy your day!

zondag 12 juni 2011

Home-made, the continuing story of.....

 Hello everyone, 

as I promised you earlier today here I 'm back to show and tell some more about my patchwork and quilting activities and projects. The first patchwork top shown is made from batic fabric small left-over-rolls I bought at the Quilt Expo in Vijfhuizen, few months ago:

One of my first quilts:

 And so is this one:

My first Attic Window, little quilt:

This one represents the historic centre of Dokkum, with its four town-gates, surrounded by the moats and pastures. I knitted de borders in matching colours:

A nice top in Spring colours:

'Scrap Boxes':

'Deidre', I won the pattern in a giveaway at
neatly and safely kept in my blockbook when under construction, as you can see:

Hope you enjoyed your visit, leave a message if you like. You're welcome!


now I once started with this blog (!) I'd like to show you more pictures of my home-made 'fabric-and-yarn' creations, like these fabric coated foamblockpuzzles:

 In Fremantle, Western Australia, where I was on a month's holiday in November / December 2009, I bought the Aboriginal print fabric, used in this sweet souvenir puzzle:


I made quite some puzzles and baby playing balls, not only for new borns or youngsters, but also for the elderly, suffering from dementia, Alzheimer's Disease. These lightweight, easy-to-handle 'toys' appeared to bring (in some cases almost therapeutic) joy to those who are physically and /or mentally limited or disabled, no matter what age.  I made them in different sizes, using fabric in all kinds of prints, colours, subjects / themes, hiding a little tinkling bell in it. Some examples:


Knitted baby caps for India:

For one of my (five!) sisters, an art ball, white to her wish:

A so-called blockbook, to keep and transport my patchwork fabric pieces safe and neat:

Memo board:

Duty calls! 
I have to obey; will be back later today and then I will show you some of my  patchwork  tops for quilts and already finished quilts.