Hello everybody,
a few last days of clearing up my UFO (Un Finished Objects)-basket, which means no more UFOs waiting in there, clears the way to start my long dreamt-of Dutch Homespun Houses Project.
These are the two UFOs I finished yesterday:
The little playing ball is meant to be sent to a very dear, nearly 86 years old, aunt of mine, who's suffering from severe pains in her hands with also loss of strength and suppleness. I hope this ball can provide some relief by daily finger-excercises. It is easy to handle and very lightweight and it is all I can do for her...
Wish I lived closer to them; would make it easier for me to visit and assist her and my uncle more often.
The cute little patchworked, stuffed house is..... a(nother :>)) pincushion!
This is the example of the Homespun Houses pattern I want mine to look like:
The first fabric of the twenty five is chosen and later today I'll start cutting and sewing. When ready I'll post a picture to keep you updated.
Have a nice and sunny last day of June!
Cheerio :>)